Tuesday, May 7, 2019

Distributed Systems Course CSEP-552 at UW, Seattle

Lecture 1 :

After going through just this first lecture, I realize why I was not doing well in Google System Design kind of questions. It is because I lacked this background and without understanding the depth of this topic, it will be simply faking my response and not really understanding the ins & outs.

I am hoping to complete this lecture series and also work on the homework assignments when I get some time.

Some more resources:

  1. UW Course Site Winter 2018
    1. UW Professional Masters in CS Program : https://www.cs.washington.edu/academics/pmp/overview
  2. Open Source Distributed Systems Book
  3. Introduction to Distributed System Design by Google Code University
  4. Original Map-Reduce Original Paper
  5. Quora : Other Distributed System Online Course Resources

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