Tuesday, March 26, 2019

Popular Linux Questions (Draft : Work in Progress)

  • How do you troubleshoot a slow file copy from a remote machine
  • Explain all fields in top command
  • Can you copy a 2 GB file if total memory is 8 GB and is 95% utilized.
  • How does Ping Work?

Thursday, March 21, 2019

Remote Procedure Call, gRPC, Protocol Buffers

Let me say to be honest "I had no idea of the impact of RPC in Distributed Systems" until I watched the UW session on Distributed Systems on Youtube. I asked myself, why is it that that RPC is a module in itself. Why every other place it is dedicated lecture. I couldn't understand it before.

But now that I understand that it is a foundation for creating a truly distributed system, I want to bring in the resources which I felt are important to learn this topic.

What benefits do you get from using Protocol Buffers over other contemporary techniques? Specially when it comes to System Design and Architecture, what leverage do I get here that I cannot find elsewhere?

First, let's learn about Why RPC?
<Fill in the details here>

Second, why Protocol Buffers?
<Fill in the details here>

Third, Implement gRPC and ProtoBuf in Python

Protocol Buffers Basic using ToDo Project

Creating a Server and Client Code using above lecture material and gRPC.

This is a good place to start understanding what is gRPC.

Intro to gRPC in C# 4/19/2020
I actually liked the tutorial because it was more hands on and the others I posted before.

Here's one article that I think could handy as well : https://medium.com/@karuppiah7890/how-i-started-learning-grpc-and-made-a-grpc-client-in-nodejs-and-grpc-server-in-golang-cc7e3901ed54

It's OK to be NOT-OK.

02/22/2021  Last week I was just un-productive and was not doing enough to talk about. I also wanted to say that weeks before the last, I ha...