Tuesday, April 30, 2019

Why TDD? I hope this will finally do the mental shift for me.

Great talk. Loved the fact that I am yet to be a TDD devotee and don't know how to do it right. Maybe this will motivate me for future.

Tuesday, April 9, 2019

Go for C++ Developers

I liked the talk because of the coverage and meaningful conversations it had.

 My thoughts are:-

1. I think Golang is a very powerful language for backend systems development.
2. The simplicity of the language and support for concurrency is what makes it practical.
3. For me to do really well with this language, I need to get my OS concepts sorted out. I think if I can get some basic Compilers studies done as well, I think it will help immensely with the understanding of the language construct.
4. There are many companies doing great products using Go. Few of them I explored are Hashicorp, InfuxDB etc.
5. The one goal I have with this language is to be able to write serious projects and architect a design that is simple AF. I think there's lot of value in simplicity and I know I gravitate towards it naturally. What I lack is enough experience to build Software Systems independently or outside job like OSS. I think if I could spend some time doing independent projects, it can take me a long way.

Good luck.

Friday, April 5, 2019

One Article to understand Why a good Software Design Matters?

I cannot be more grateful for this article to be written on how to design a software system and why does it make sense to think about your design first before you go ahead with jumping on your keyboard and fill in the blanks for a quick and dirty prototype.

Cindy Sridharan Medium Article

This article talks about why a "Mental Model" of your design needs to be simple and easy-to-convey to others who are reading it.

It's OK to be NOT-OK.

02/22/2021  Last week I was just un-productive and was not doing enough to talk about. I also wanted to say that weeks before the last, I ha...